A symbol for our citizenship

Stingrays capture the spirit of the Citizens movement as they glide over the Reef without touching the coral, just as humankind should not touch the Reef.
Brian Robinson, Artist

Titled 'Citizens Gateway', the newly revealed structure is so much more than just an astounding piece of art. It's a symbol of diversity, resilience, and the circle of life that thrives on the Great Barrier Reef.

Inspired by the Reef's connection to Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture, and at 11m wide and 6m high, it's best experienced in person. Over-looking the Great Barrier Reef, and depicting a wave of marine life led by a stingray, the Citizens Gateway puts the importance of our challenge into perspective.

A global symbol for
 positive change

Its mirror finish becomes a reflection on humanity. And it's because of these many reasons it's the symbol and logo of Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef.

We have one goal, and one chance to achieve it. Brian's creation makes the challenge, and solution feel more real than ever.

The creators of
 Citizens Gateway

Brian Robinson is a highly talented and highly recognised Indigenous artist; witnessing the journey he took to create this symbolic structure has been a humbling experience.

Of the Kala Lagaw Ya and Wuthathi language groups of the Torres Strait, Brian immersed himself in the fragility of the reef's environment to build something truly special. Aligning the sculpture with the Shark Constellation commonly known as Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters – a series of stars that influence land, sea and air environments around the reef.

On the ground around the sculpture are stingray designs created by six local Aboriginal artists to highlight the significance of the reef to the people who have built their unique culture around it.

In partnership with Brian and the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef, the artwork has been a collaboration with local Traditional Owners, the Gimuy Walubara Yidinji people, the Yirrganydi people, Tourism Tropical North Queensland, Cairns Regional Council, Total Project Group Architects and Creative Move.

Unite for the reef.

Together, we can ease the pressures that the reef faces - but we need your support to do it. Because it’s only when we’re united as Citizens, that our individual actions can come together to make a real, physical impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

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